Monday, January 14, 2019

Fistula Ayurvedic Treatment Without Surgery

Most patients suffering from the presence of an fistula and their body are unaware of what it actually is. The patients only Feel the symptoms like itching, pus in anal region, pain and discomfort. These symptoms are reported to the physician who then treats the individual. In simple words, the condition is also known as fistula. A fistula is basically a track or tunnel like connection between different parts of the body. It is an abnormal internal connection that connects organs on the internal side to the anal region. It can have more than one external opening through the anus or rectum.

In these days many medical products are available in the market for the treatment of anal fistula conditions. Medical procedures are needed for curing fistula because they seldom heal on their own. The main reason for this is the development of fiber-tissues and payogenic membrane which restrict the possibility of self-healing. Hence, treatment options focus on the removal of these through surgery. Skin grafts are also done as an alternative method. Some doctors also use the fibrin glue to close the abnormal linkage. A method called Fistulectomy may be employed. Here, the affected region is subjected to laser beams which helping in sealing the channels.

However, the most and important formative medical procedures were based on ayurvedic principles. If one reads the Ayurveda medical transcripts, one will find detailed information and classification of fistulae based on type and cure. Based on severity they are classified as the vata, the Pitta & the kapha. The most noted form of treatment is the Ksharsutra treatment. In this method, a Ksharsutra is used which is a special thread. This thread is prepared by repeatedly dipping it in different medicinal liquids. Alternatively, it may be brought in contact with a number of medical products about 15 to 20 times. All the agents are of plant origin which means that they are herbal and not systemized with chemicals.

Drk Life care ayurveda offers fistula treatment without surgery, fistula is cleansed and other required actions using the special ayurvedic medicine. This method is effective and useful. The subject however is very vast and only specialized and experienced ayurvedic professionals and doctors by treatment.

Dr Kaushal is the well experienced and reputed doctor for Ayurvedic fistula treatment in delhi.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

How Ayurvedic Treatment Is The Best For Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin diseases in patient gets the dry flaky skin on his different body parts, more commonly on knees, scalp and elbow area. This disease is considered a chronic and incurable one with variability in the degree of inflammation. Science is still finding a remedy for skin allergy like Psoriasis. This skin disorder has very visible symptoms which appear on the body in the form of dry scaly patches, skin redness, itching or burning skin, skin blisters and bumps.
It may be mild when a small part of the body gets affected as well as severe with the inflammation spreading to a larger portion of the body. Mostly, Psoriasis is considered to be caused due to genetic or immune system related issues, but there are some other triggers as well for this underlying condition. Many people seem to be finding an effective Psoriasis treatment in Ayurveda. Ayurveda works on the natural herbal way for diagnosing the causes of a disease. It is emerging as the best remedy for skin allergy and best treatnment in ayurveda for psoriasis.

Causes of Psoriasis in Ayurveda                                                                                  
In Ayurveda, Psoriasis is considered as the destruction of two basic energies in the human body, called Vata and Kapha. When a large number of toxins get accumulated in the human body, then also Psoriasis is said to occur. Apart from this, overconsumption of yogurt, seafood, and irregular eating habits are said to be some other causes of Psoriasis. Psoriasis  Ayurvedic Treatment involves some strict lifestyle and dietary changes.
Triggers for Psoriasis                                                                                    Stress: Most of the people complain of Psoriasis around the time when they were in chronic stress. Hence, stressful conditions for the prolonged period of time have been regarded as the possible trigger for Psoriasis.

Traumatised Skin: This condition is also linked to the bruises, burns, cuts, Tattoo and other skin problems. When these skin problems give rise to Psoriasis, it is termed as Koebner Phenomenon.
Smoking and Alcohol: Smoking and Alcohol is supposed to worsen the symptoms of Psoriasis.
How Can Ayurvedic treatments Help
Though this skin disease is considered  it can be controlled with some effective Ayurvedic remedies. Ayurveda offers  the natural herbal remedy which comprises of practicing a healthy diet, detoxification, and meditation. The foremost priority of any Ayurvedic treatment is blood purification. It is said that detoxifying your body works as the best Ayurvedic treatment for skin allergies. Psoriasis Ayurvedic Treatment in Delhi offers a therapy called Panchkarma Therapy By Drk Life care ayurveda. This remedy is based on doing some necessary changes in your diet and preparing your body for the process of detoxification. This therapy suggests the patients follow the strict vegetarian diet.

Ayurvedic Clinic and Panchkarm Treatment has certain rules to follow. Under this treatment, the patient is suggested to use medicated ghee, cover his affected parts with the medicinal paste and pouring medicated buttermilk on the head. This is considered as an Psoriasis Ayurvedic Doctor for skin allergies.
Also, there are some herbal remedies, which can help to control this condition. A cording to the herbal experts, if you want to ease down the symptoms of the disorder, You should increase the consumption of garlic and onion to purify the blood. Since Psoriasis is said to be caused by the compromised immune system, you can start eating neem leaves for boosting the immunity. Drk Life Care Ayurveda one of the best ayurvedic  treatment in delhi to relieve the inflammation caused by Psoriasis.

Meditation and Exercises
Psoriasis ayurvedic tretment in delhi are based on creating a perfect balance between three elements that is, Universe, body, and life forces of the body. This balancing act is a recommended remedy for skin allergies. The best way to balance them out is to create a stress- free lifestyle. To keep stress and anxiety away from the lifestyle, Ayurvedic clinic and panchkarm centre is a mandatory thing to do, according to the Ayurveda.

Psoriasis ayurvedic treatment in delhi offers by drk life care ayurveda ask for some simple lifestyle chagnes which can be improve the condition in bigger ways. If you have infected from this type of diseases ven your small part of your body , you should refrain eating oppsite foods and control to intake of salty and acidic food.